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Fund poised to stop payouts for rest of year

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By Abbey Morton
Lockerbie and Lochmaben

THE FINANCIALLY troubled Lockerbie and Lochmaben Common Good Fund could cease handing out grants for the rest of the year.

Members of the committee, who are due to meet on Tuesday, will be asked to agree to close the fund to applications for the rest of 2016/17.
And they will have to decide what to do with four bids that have already been lodged and are pending a decision.
The group has six members, made up of all four Annandale North Ward Councillors and a representative from both Lockerbie and Lochmaben Community Councils.
They will also be asked not to review the budget again until next May.
This comes as the fund has reported a revenue deficit and are overcommitted by £4718.
Earlier this year Lockerbie Golf Club, who pay their annual rent to the Common Good Fund, asked for a rent reduction from £3600 to £1500 for three years, which has hit the group’s finances hard. Speaking prior to the meeting, committee chairman Cllr Stephen Thompson was unsure if the group would decide to follow recommendations to cut funding.
He said: “I don’t want to be too dogmatic.
“Iwill consult with the committee as a whole on Tuesday and we will decide as a team what is the best way forward.
“Obviously, agreeing to close funds for 2016/17 has been deemed as a practical option and that will be taken into consideration on Tuesday.”
The Lockerbie and Lochmaben Common Good Fund meet on Tuesday at Lockerbie Town Hall at 6.30 pm.

Dumfries and West

05th Mar

Chance to meet A75 team

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Wind farm funding available

Wind farm funding available

LOCKERBIE has been under represented over the past few years for available funding from windfarms.