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Get squirrel spotting

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By Fiona Reid
Get squirrel spotting

SQUIRREL spotters across Dumfries and Galloway are being urged to fill in the 2024 Great Scottish Squirrel Survey.

Conservation partnership Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels is calling on people locally to get outside, explore nature and be on the lookout for tufted ears and bushy tails for sixth annual Great Scottish Squirrel Survey.

A spokesperson for the organisation said: “What makes the Great Scottish Squirrel Survey so great is that anyone can take part from anywhere in Scotland. Areas of known squirrel territory are equally important as those where few squirrels have been seen before.

“Last year over 1300 people reported almost 2000 squirrel sightings in just one week. Let’s make this year’s survey even greater!”

Spotters can report their sightings of both red and grey squirrels between September 30 and October 6 at:

Dumfries and West

08th Sep

Traitor's trek will include this area

By Fiona Reid | DNG24