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Go loopy for a good cause

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Go loopy for a good cause

RIDERS are at the ready for the return of a popular charity cycle event this weekend.

The Lockerbie Academy Loop will be back on Sunday with a slight name change but the same premise: cyclists can choose between a 20 mile family loop suitable for P5 and above and most abilities; or a 50 mile challenge loop exploring the Annandale valley.

The loop starts and finishes at Lockerbie Academy with riders able to leave any time between 9 and 10 am on the day.

And there’s a food stop in Templand for both.

All funds raised with go towards Lockerbie Academy’s Parent and Carers’ Council and Children First.

Last minute entries are still being taken, contact Martin Armstrong on [email protected] to register.