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Golfers tee up to make DGRI donation

ALMOST 200 golfers raised £4570 for DGRI’s palliative unit at Southerness Golf Club’s annual charity day.

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By Zac Hannay
Dumfries and West
Golfers tee up to make DGRI donation
GOLF DAY DONATION . . . left to right Nick Mitchell, Ivor Matheson, Gordon Grant, Peter Allen (Southerness Golf Club), Mark Miller and Tanya Harkness

Gordon Grant took the opportunity, offered by club captain Peter Allen, to raise money for the unit where his wife was cared for before she sadly passed away at the start of the year.

Following the fundraiser, he paid a visit to DGRI with fellow golfers to hand over a cheque to Tanya Harkness, senior charge nurse for the unit, and Mark Miller, specialty doctor in palliative medicine.

The charity day included a golf competition, auction and raffle, organised by club staff and members and supported by their families and friends.

Tanya said: “We’re grateful to everyone involved in raising this sum of money for the unit. This feels like a very generous thank you. Our team are delighted to be given the opportunity to decide how to use the money for the benefit of patients, their families, and staff.”

Mr Grant said: “My wife Sheila was given exceptional care and attention by the staff on the unit where she spent her last days.

“In addition, our whole family was looked after and made welcome during the week that we were in almost constant attendance with Sheila. I’m really pleased that my request for the money to be used for the unit is being met and that the staff will get to decide how to use it.

“I would like to thank everyone involved in making the charity day a success, organising, supporting, donating and of course playing golf. In particular, thanks to Ivor Matheson, Peter Allen, and staff at Southerness Golf Club. I would also like to say well done to the winners of the golf competition: Peter Boreham, David Muir, Graham Wilson and Andrew Morrow.”

Nick Mitchell, endowment fund manager at NHS Dumfries and Galloway, said: “On behalf of NHS Dumfries and Galloway Endowment Fund, a big thank you to Mr Grant and everyone involved in the charity day.”


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