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Good response to vaccination

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By Zachary Hannay
Good response to vaccination

A FANTASTIC response has greeted the winter vaccinations programme in Dumfries and Galloway – with an uptake above the national average.

However, NHS Dumfries and Galloway is keen that as many eligible people as possible take up the chance of being vaccinated against flu, COVID-19 and RSV.

Director of public health Valerie White said: “I want to sincerely thank everyone who has so far taken up the opportunity of vaccinations this winter.

“Getting vaccinated not only helps to protect you against viruses like the flu, COVID-19 and RSV – it helps ease the strain on our very pressured health and social care systems by reducing numbers and severity of infection.

“Although our current vaccination uptake put us quite a bit above the national average, our focus is on ensuring that everyone eligible is aware of the opportunity and is encouraged and supported to take up that chance.”

Ms White added: “It is really great to see that so many people are keen to help protect themselves and others from these viruses, but we really want to make sure that every single person gives thought to this opportunity while vaccinations are still being offered.”

Vaccinations are continuing in communities right across the region.

Those eligible for both flu and COVID-19 vaccinations include adults aged 64 and over, residents and staff in older adult care homes, people in clinically at-risk groups and frontline health and social care workers.

Flu vaccinations are being offered to a wider range of people, including school age pupils, children aged two to five, poultry workers, non-frontline NHS staff, asylum seekers, people who are homeless and all prisoners within the Scottish prison estate.

All those eligible for flu and COVID-19 vaccinations will have received invitations.

So too will those people who are eligible to be vaccinated against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) as part of Scotland’s new vaccine programme.

All pregnant women are eligible, along with older adults who were aged between 75 and 79 as of August 1 2024.

Everyone can check their eligibility and book in to receive their vaccinations by either visiting the website or by calling the local vaccination helpline on 01387 403090.

FULL FOCUS . . . director of public health Valerie White wants to ensure everyone eligible of vaccination is aware, encouraged and supported

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