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Grant programme opens for social enterprises

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By Fiona Reid
Grant programme opens for social enterprises

A NEW Dumfries and Galloway Social Enterprise Grant Programme has launched to help applicants realise their market potential.

There is a total of £50,000 available in the programme for projects, with applications capped at a maximum of £5000.

Bids will be accepted from: Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations; companies limited by guarantee; community interest companies; cooperatives; and community benefit societies.

The project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The ambition of the grant is to invest in social enterprises who are looking at new markets to develop their business, e.g. exploring those markets, launching a pilot project. Social enterprises that are applying do not need to be fully trading but are looking at ways to trade in innovative ways.

The grant can fund staff, volunteer costs, training, event costs, market research, equipment, or project delivery within the theme of ‘realising market potential’.

Project activity should start no earlier than 30 September 2024 and all activity and spend must be completed by 28 February 2025. Applicants must be based in Dumfries and Galloway and the programme has an application deadline of 15 August at 12 noon.

The applications will be screened by Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway and an independent scoring panel will assess all applications.

For more information see:

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