A NATIONAL Park in Galloway will help tackle the climate and nature emergencies, and invest in local people and public services, say Dumfries and Galloway Greens.
And that was the basis of their consultation response to NatureScot.
The Greens say they highlighted the benefits of a national park in the area, ranging from supporting industries that rely on the landscape such as farming, fishing, and forestry, to developing sectors such as, renewable energy, investing in public services and tackling the region’s housing shortage.
Spokesperson Laura Moodie, above, said: “National Parks can be truly transformational. Having a Green national park here in Galloway will allow for much greater investment in people and planet.
“Our vision for a national park is one that bucks the long-term trend of deepening social, economic, and environmental decline across the region, entrenching inequality and rapid demographic changes.
“A Galloway National Park can absolutely serve as a prime example for showcasing a thriving wellbeing economy which amplifies the voices of local communities.
“South West Scotland has for too long been overlooked by all levels of Government, but with a National Park, we can take matters into our own hands by having the ability to enforce environmental regulations, support biodiversity and regenerative farming, and invest in public services, public transport, including tackling the housing crisis.”