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Harbour team show off plans to public

Plans to regenerate the harbour are in full swing

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By Ben Murray
Annan and Eskdale
Harbour team show off plans to public

IT’S been a busy week for Annan Harbour Action Group with a public exhibition and a political visit.

Hosted at the Anglers Club, the exhibition event on Wednesday afternoon allowed the community a chance to learn about the plans and the minds behind the action group.

During a session from 2.30 pm – 4.30pm and a second from 6.30pm – 8pm, architect Tom Morton and other members of the AHAG team welcomed visitors and answered their burning questions about the harbour regeneration project.

AHAG’s facilities manager Alan Thompson said: “We are very keen to hear everyone’s views.

“This work was made possible through development grant funding from the community led economic regeneration fund and SoSE, with a top up from AHAG’s own reserves.

HARBOUR ENDEAVOUR. . . Plans to regenerate the harbour are underway

“Dumfries and Galloway Council’s regeneration team have been instrumental in pushing forward the project to aid covid recovery and regenerate the district. A plan is in place to raise the necessary capital that will see the project begin construction in May 2023.”

Alongside the community exhibition of the plans, the group also hosted a site visit from Dumfriesshire MP David Mundell on Monday

He expressed his support for the project and even confirmed that he planned to highlight it directly with UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

Mr Mundell said: “It is an exciting blueprint which would not only turn Annan’s harbour area into a major amenity for local people, but an attraction for visitors which would enhance the town’s economic prospects.

“Annan would still retain the ability to function as a working harbour to meet any future demand but would also offer so much more in terms of tourism, wildlife viewing, leisure and water sports.”

Annan and Eskdale, News

01st Mar

Star plan submitted

By Ben Murray | DNG24