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Head to the Sheds

By Christie Breen
Head to the Sheds

MEN'S and women's sheds across Annandale will be marking International Men’s Day (IMD) tomorrow with a open doors day.

MEN’S and women’s sheds across Annandale will be marking International Men’s Day (IMD) tomorrow with an open doors day.

Sheds in Moffat and Lockerbie will all be participating and welcoming visitors to celebrate and recognise the positive value that men bring to the world, their families and communities.

Visitors will have the chance to meet some to the ‘shedders’, find out what they do and how being part of the group can improve the quality of life of men.

Commenting ahead of the open day Jason Schroeder, CEO of the Scottish Men’s Sheds Association said: “Each year on IMD, we celebrate the lives of men and boys. Men who run and are members of Scottish Men’s Sheds are all volunteers and we must recognise their achievements and the contributions they are making to our society.

“We wanted to launch something new for IMD to reach more men and also spread the word about all things Men’s Shed.

“With the Shed doors swung wide open, this is an opportunity to raise the profile of Sheds and the age 18+ model, show people around Shed premises, tell them all about what happens there, meet and talk to other members, see activities in action, highlight the health and wellbeing benefits and answer any questions they may have.

“This event has the potential to inform and inspire new, wide and varied audiences – for example invite local GP’s, social prescribers, businesses, politicians, charities etc along for group tours. We urge the public to come along – encourage a friend who has never heard about Men’s Sheds to come along and wives take along your husband for a look – and see a real Men’s Shed in action for yourselves. What have you got to lose?

“If this event is a success, it could even become an annual thing!”

In Moffat the men’s Shed will be open from 10 am to 2 pm tomorrow and the Birdbox Community Workshop will be open from 10 am to 3 pm.

Lockerbie Men’s Shed will be welcoming visitors from 2 pm to 4 pm.

For more information

Moffat, News

27th Feb

Pump track discussions ongoing

By Christie Breen | DNG24