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Healthy Helpers sought

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By Fiona Reid
On The Web

ARE you your family's food hero?

Do you make a different to their diet and lifestyle and strive to keep everyone healthy?

If so, then you could become one of Dumfries and Galloway’ s Healthy Helpers.

Local people who can inspire and motivate others to make healthier choices are being sought for the Scottish Government’s Eat Better Feel Better campaign.

Eat Better Feel Better launched earlier this year to help parents and families find quick, easy and affordable ways to make healthier changes to their diet.

Applications to become a Healthy Helper – a voluntary ambassador for the campaign – are now open.

Organiser Claire Prentice explained more: “Maybe you’re a parent or carer who has helped change their family’s eating habits for the better on a budget? Or you’ve managed to get the kids eating more veg or improved your skills in the kitchen so they can make healthier meals?

“Whatever you’ve done to make your family and loved ones’ lives healthier, we want to hear about it.”

All local parents and carers of children under the age of 18 who live in Scotland are eligible to enter.

Entry forms must be in by Friday 6 November. After that date,  the chosen Healthy Helpers will be asked to become campaign ambassadors in their local area and use their skills and experience to help other families eat healthier.

The Healthy Helpers’ top tips and healthy recipes will be featured on the Eat Better Feel Better website and included in the first Eat Better Feel Better recipe book – being published in 2016.

For more information or to apply, visit


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