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‘Help for Heating’ financial support reminder

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By Fiona Reid
‘Help for Heating’ financial support reminder

DEMAND is higher than ever for the RSABI Help for Heating grants, with a 55 per cent rise in applications.

Last year the charity issued £41,000 Help for Heating grants and demand is expected to continue to be strong, according to welfare manager Chris McVey, as many fixed-term energy deals start coming to an end.

He noted that many farmers are living in houses which are very old, with property types which can be difficult to insulate properly and costly to heat.

Mr McVey said: “Our Help for Heating grants are available to farmers, crofters and others working in, or retired from, agriculture who are struggling with the rising costs of heating bills.

“The grants are simple and quick to apply for, with funding starting at £300 available to those spending more than ten per cent of their household income on heating costs and finding it difficult to afford essentials like food and clothing.”

The RSABI team can help with the application process and advise on other organisations which can provide energy efficiency advice. RSABI also offers ongoing financial support through an Annual Beneficiary scheme, where anyone in need who meets the support criteria can receive regular payments to help top-up their income.

Mr McVey added: “We know there will be many households out there who were managing, but now with the cost-of-living impact, fixed-term energy contracts ending, and increased home energy and input costs, financial pressure is growing which can cause stress and really start to impact on individuals’ mental health.”

Visit the RSABI website to find out more or call the freephone helpline on 0808 1234 555 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All enquiries are completely confidential.