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Hero bus driver saves choking tot

By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Hero bus driver saves choking tot

A BUS driver from Lockerbie has been hailed a life saver after helping  a choking tot.

Houston’s driver David Campbell, 32, had parked u p at the Butt Street bus depot in Annan last Tuesday and was preparing to welcome passengers aboard when a tot in distress caught his eye.

He said: “I noticed he r eyes were going from side – to-side, her head was jerking.

“I looked around and it seemed like no one else had noticed, their attention was focused on queuing for the bus. ”

Pushing past the queue, David jumped off the bus, unstrapped the little girl from her buggy and started patting her on the back to help dislodge a sweet which had become stuck in her throat.

He said: “It all happened so fast. No one else appeared to notice. I must have shocked everyone, this big bus driver jumping from the bus and picking up a child.”

But once the tot was in the clear and David had been thanked by her grateful mum, he says his passengers were in awe.

He said: “A lot of them said to me it was amazing that I acted so quickly, that they might have panicked and froze. But there was no time for panic.”

And dad-of-three David says his fatherly instinct s kicked in.

He said: “I was just at the right place at the right time . I’m so glad I was there .

“I would hope that if i t had been my child, and I wasn’t there, someoe would have stepped in.”

Humble David, who live s at Castle Milk, near Lockerbie, went on with the rest of his day, neglecting to tell even his employers about his good deed.

They later found out when a flurry of praise for David was posted on social media.

A spokesman for Houston’s said: “The company are very proud of David and his quick actions. He truly is a great asset to Houston’s Coaches. ”

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