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Crash man in #findbrian hero search

By Abbey Morton
Crash man in #findbrian hero search

A CRASH survivor is searching for a Territorial Army soldier who came to his aid after a road crash last week to thank him for all his help.

Kevin Plummer from Wamphray is trying to track down one of his rescuers who came to his aid when he was in collision with a car on the A702 on Friday evening and ended up in a ditch.
The 50-year-old was returning from his work with First Scotrail in Edinburgh and swerved off the road near to Dolphinton and ended up in a ditch.
He explained he was knocked unconscious, and said: “When I came round there was a man at my window.
“He gave me first aid, put a dressing on my face and said his name was Brian and he was in the TA.
“I’d love to find him and thank him for all he did for me.”

In the drama that unfolded Kevin was unable to get contact details for the man, known to Kevin simply as ‘Brian’ , and now he feels he needs to thank him for his swift actions.

Use #findbrian to help Kevin find Brian.

Check out today’s Annandale Herald and Moffat News for the full story.



28th Feb

Mids manager role excites Simpson

By Abbey Morton | DNG24

Mids manager role excites Simpson
NEW TEAM . . . Mid Annandale’s new management team are pictured with chairman Craig Allen, centre. They are manager Craig Simpson, right, and assistant Paul McDermott

“MIDS were advertising the role, so I got in touch with the club, had a discussion with them and we took it from there,” said new Mid Annandale manager Craig Simpson as he spoke to the Annandale Herald this week.

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Black Esk water works extension plan submitted

Black Esk water works extension plan submitted

PLANS for a multi-million pound revamp of the Black Esk Water Treatment Works have been submitted to Dumfries and Galloway Council.