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History inspires club jackets

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By Abbey Morton
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
History inspires club jackets

ONE of Scotland's oldest curling clubs has drawn on their history for their new team attire.

And last week Dalton and St Bridgets Curling Club took to the ice to debut their updated jacket design which celebrates a medal won by the club almost 170 years ago.
Lynne Longmore, of Lochmaben, said: “I have curled with this ancient club since 1986 but during my research of this club, I have found a written record of the club in existence since at least 1778, making it one of the proven oldest curling clubs in Scotland.”
At their last AGM, in March, it was agreed to proceed with the design of a new club logo together with a new club soft shell jacket.
Over the summer months Lynn worked with Rostrum Embroidery in Lochmaben to come up with a new club logo and the jackets were unveiled at the club’s first game of the season last week.
Ms Longmore said: “Part of the new logo is based on the design of the old silver curling medal which was presented to the club in 1846.
“We will celebrate the 170th anniversary of this medal in January 2016.”
The design features traditional crossed brooms with a stone to the centre on which the date of 1778 has been incorporated.
A stylised thistle in silver thread, sitting above the brooms, reflects the the thistles mounted on the old silver medal presented to the club in 1846.
The whole design is interwoven with the full name of the club.
The club struggles to fill four full rinks every season, but with a core of committed members, it continues to survive.
Ms Longmore added: “It would be wonderful though to encourage more new members to ensure the club continues, especially people who actually reside in and around the parish of Dalton.”


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