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Home plan goes to appeal

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Home plan goes to appeal

AN appeal to demolish one house and build a carbon neutral home in its place will be heard next week.

Mike Law wants planning permission to knock down Springwells Hall at St Ann’s and construct a new dwelling.

However, his initial application, lodged last September, was turned down by planners for going against council policy.

They said redevelopment of the site “would not remove dereliction or result in a significant environmental improvement” and that it constituted building in the countryside.

But the applicant is now appealing and his case will be heard by the local review body in Dumfries on Thursday.

Documents and supporting information have been published online ahead of the meeting, in which Mr Law points out that both a structural engineer and building control have said the existing hall building is not fit for renovation and the foundations are inadequate for any new structure.

He points out there have been no objections to his plan, but that it is supported by Lord Annandale, a nearby neighbour.

He has also submitted mock up images to demonstrate how the new build, with solar panels, would be sympathetic to its environment.

And he said: “It’s a matter of the planning officer’s opinion that the building is suitable for conversion rather than basing it on the facts presented. Is this yet another example of Dumfries and Galloway planning department attempt to prevent redevelopment of brownfield sites in the countryside?

“We reject the comments in the delegated report stating the intention would appear to be for a dominant landmark. The choice of materials and the black colour will let the building recede into the landscape. The main house is in fact going to be at a lower level than the existing buildings.

“To conclude, the lack of attention to detail and/or the total disregard of the evidence presented is astonishing.”


13th Mar

What a kit!

By Fiona Reid | DNG24