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John and Sherki team up for Nepal

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By Abbey Morton
John and Sherki team up for Nepal

TWO months after a devastating earthquake shook Nepal and killed more than 8000 people, a Moffat man is still raising money for those affected.

)John McPhail has been creating bottle holders in his workshop at Craigielands, on the outskirts of Moffat, and money from their sale will aid people in the Asian country.
And he is calling on bed and breakfasts, guest houses and similar to get involved with his project.
Anyone who would like to place a bottle holder in their reception and raise money should contact John.
He said: “It will cost you nothing and won’t infringe on your business.”
Working with him is Nepal-native Sherki Sherpa who travels to her country of birth to offer aid.
John said: “It’s amazing how quickly Nepal has fallen out of the news but we all know it will take years for these people to get any resemblance of normality back into their lives.”
The metal bottle holders, which depict figures, are for sale for £25 and recently he raised £500 for one of the holders.
John said: “The entire £25 goes to Sherki, who raises funds for her volunteer group in Nepal called the ‘Believers’.
“This money bypasses all agencies and 100 per cent of it is used to buy the necessary equipment to help those in need.”
For more information contact John by emailing [email protected] or call 01683 220075.


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