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Joke roadworks sign raises a smile

By Rod Edgar
Annan and Eskdale
Joke roadworks sign raises a smile

FRUSTRATION over delays to roadworks in Springfield have prompted one wag to erect the sign 'Men Not Working'.

Nearby resident David Wilson, of Plump Farm, says the official signs were erected on the border weeks ago, but aside from a flurry of general activity around Princess Anne’s visit for the Quintinshill commemorations there has been no work carried out.
Addressing the comical sign erected near Plump Bridge, Mr Wilson said: “I don’t know who put it up, but I can sympathise with them.
“It’s quite self-explanatory. There are some very deep holes in the road, and they’ve been there all spring.
“Motorists are bursting their tyres and it’s very dangerous for cyclists.”
He added: “They put up signs that show men working, but some comedian has put up a sign saying, ‘Men Not Working’.”
Despite the levity, Mr Wilson says there is a serious side to the situation.
He said: “When people do damage their wheels they have a great deal of difficulty getting compensated through the insurance companies, and that makes them even more angry.”
Speaking out over the situation on a busy road, he said: “It’s a cycle route, and some of them could go head-over-heels, damage themselves, and I think we’re very frustrated about the road not being fixed.”
Dumfries and Galloway Council said they did not erect the roadworks, suggesting Cumbria County Council may be responsible.
However, Cumbria County Council say they are also not responsible, and that the signs may have been erected by a utilities company.