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Keep kids safe online this Xmas

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By Newsdesk
Annan and Eskdale
Keep kids safe online this Xmas

PARENTS and carers of pre-teen girls in the Annan area are being warned to be vigilant of their social media activity.

It comes after police revealed this week that they had evidence of online child sexual exploitation and abuse happening in the town, whereby girls aged about 11 have been targeted on Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat.

As a result, talks have been held in many of the primary schools this week with older children about online safety.

And the police advice for families is to be extra vigilant and check children’s smart phones and devices; and to remind children not to speak to or share personal details with strangers online. Anyone finding anything disturbing, or if a child discloses anything, should respond supportively and calmly and contact Police Scotland immediately.

Further information on staying safe online can be found at:

Parents’ Cyber First Aid Box – DigiLearn (

Meanwhile, police in Dumfries and Galloway are running a wider Xmas safety campaign that covers mobile phones, laptops and tablets used by children.

A force spokesperson said: “Do you know who your child is speaking to online?

“Social media, messaging apps and chat rooms are used by offenders to target under 16 year olds for sexually motivated conversations.

“Young people may be persuaded to send sexually explicit pictures or videos of themselves or have sexual conversations online.

“No child should ever experience this.

“If you’re concerned about keeping your child safe online, please visit: for our safety advice.

“Alternatively, our partners Barnardo’s Scotland, NSPCC Scotland and Children 1st can offer helpful advice and guidance.”