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Kelpies in Kirkcudbright

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By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
Kelpies in Kirkcudbright

A TASTE of the world famous Kelpies is coming to the region this summer.

Kirkcudbright has secured the loan of the Kelpie Maquettes, miniature versions of the 100 foot high sculptures, as part of their art and craft trails from July 25 to August 29.
Hand crafted by Andy Scott, the Maquettes were the one tenth size models for the award winning 30 metre high horses heads in Falkirk – and were in fact created first.
Trail organiser Pauline Saul is thrilled at the ‘amazing opportunity’ and said: “For four weeks this summer the maquettes will give visitors and locals alike, a rare chance to see the beauty of the wonderful metal sculptures.”
The Kelpie Maquettes will be placed at the Fisherman’s Green adjacent to Kirkcudbright harbour.
And there are celebrations planned for their arrival in town, including bunting, bagpipes and a carnival atmosphere.


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By Fiona Reid | DNG24