TWO of Scotland’s leading authors will be in Wigtown this month for events leading up to the annual Kirkcudbright Book Festival.
D V Bishop, whose new book has just gone into the Scottish top 20 bestseller list, and Galloway writer and artist Des Dillon will both be presenting their work in Scotland’s National Book town.

Des has been one of Scotland’s leading writers for more than 25 years with his novel ‘Me and Ma Gal’ listed as one of The 100 Greatest Ever Scottish Books. He has a broad ranging back catalogue of plays, novels and short story collections along with periods as a film and television scriptwriter. His visit to Wigtown on Saturday February 15 will see him reading and presenting new work at New Chapter Books in Wigtown at 4 pm.

Meanwhile, Biggar-based author David Bishop will make his trip to the region on Friday February 21, he has just released his latest title, A Divine Fury, in paperback. This is the fourth in his bestselling mysteries set in 16th century Florence and featuring Cesare Aldo. But these much in demand novels are just the most recent in an impressive and diverse back catalogue of creative writing.
David will be happy to chat about all aspects of his diverse career at the Church Hall from 6 pm.
Both events are free thanks to funding from Dumfries and Galloway Council and support from Kirkcudbright Book Festival.