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Know how to get mental health support

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By Ben Murray
Know how to get mental health support

People in Scotland are being reminded of the resources available to support their mental health over the festive holidays.

The winter months can be strain for many, and David McKissock a Senior Charge Nurse within NHS 24’s Mental Health Hub says there’s no need to deal with problems alone: “Winter can be a difficult time for many people.

“The drop in temperature and shorter days can have a marked impact on mental wellbeing.

“Christmas, Hogmanay and all the associated parties, get-togethers and other fun events can be joyous occasions, however they can also unfortunately bring more strain to those that are already feeling vulnerable.”

Scotland’s online health information service NHS inform hosts a wealth of mental health and wellbeing advice for a variety of conditions.

It also promotes free digital programmes called SilverCloud, Daylight, and Sleepio that can help with anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

David added: “The advantage of using these fantastic digital tools for your mental wellbeing is that they can be accessed at any time you need them.

“However, we do also recognise that sometimes it is helpful to have blether to get worries off your chest. If you feel you need to chat, you can also contact Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87.”

Breathing Space is a free and confidential service for anyone aged over 16 in Scotland who is experiencing low mood, anxiety, or depression.

The phone lines and webchat are open Monday to Thursday, 6 pm to 2 am and Friday from 6 pm to Monday until 6 am.

To look at NHS inform’s mental health resources, visit, and to access Breathing Space visit


21st Mar

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