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Litter anger in Moffat and Lockerbie

By Fiona Reid
Litter anger in Moffat and Lockerbie

‘RUBBISH’ Moffat and Lockerbie have both been blasted by locals

And at Tuesday night’s meeting of Moffat Community Council there were complaints that the town, particularly near Station Park, was overflowing with litter.

Community councillors and members of the public were united in disgust at the state of their town.

Member Don Gillespie said: “I think the council need to get on board and realise that Moffat is a tourist attraction town.

“They are letting that image slide.”

Hoping to sort out the issue, Annandale North Councillor Gail Macgregor has pledged to make sure the local authority’s community safety team, who can give out £80 fines to those caught littering or not picking up dog mess, have a larger presence in Moffat.

She said: “I will speak to Bryce Kelly, of the community safety team, and ask for more of a presence in Moffat.

“It only takes half a dozen or so people to be fined to get the word out.”

Meanwhile, similar litter issues have been raised in Lockerbie. Resident Kathleen Hayes is disgusted by the sheer amount of rubbish which lines the town’s streets.

She said: “I am disgusted as I am walking in Lockerbie to see so much rubbish.

“It is pushed into hedges, left on walls, on the pavements, left outside people’s houses and gardens.

“Why can’t these people take the rubbish home and respect the environment?”

A spokesman from Dumfries and Galloway Council says the council are committed to keeping the region clean and tidy – despite budget cuts and pressures.

He said: “Towns such as Lockerbie and Moffat have dedicated street sweepers who undertake litter picking and sweeping of the high streets twice a day as well as routes to schools and move into adjacent streets as needed.

“Two mechanical road sweepers support the street sweeping team and go to more rural communities through the week, including weekends.”


14th Mar

Stark cyber crime warning

By Fiona Reid | DNG24