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Lochmaben community centre expansion hopes

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By Abbey Morton
Lockerbie and Lochmaben

EXPANSION is on the cards for Lochmaben Community Centre.

Operators Queen of the South, which took on the centre last year as a community sports hub, has applied to Dumfries and Galloway Council to extend the facility to take in the recreational hall in Blacklocks Vennel.

The request will go before councillors at next week’s meeting of Full Council, when members will discuss restart, renewal and recovery after Covid-19.

In a report for the meeting, it is explained that the hub’s principal partner requested the extension.

And ir reads: “Extending the community sports hub to include this facility will allow for an increase of community activities, services and facilities whilst still complying with social distancing measures.

“The recreation hall has been empty for circa five years, it is in a very poor state of repair and from a recent visual inspection the external envelope of the building appears to be in need of some structural intervention.

“The principal partner has confirmed that they are willing to undertake the capital repairs at cost to the trust and to thereafter provide further recreational, health and wellbeing services and activities for the benefit of the community as an extension to the services offered from the community centre.”


26th Feb

Long waits revealed

By Abbey Morton | DNG24