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Lockerbie gets set for slow down

LOCKERBIE is set to have a 20mph speed limit imposed throughout the town by the end of the year.

By Zac Hannay
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Lockerbie gets set for slow down

Moffat and Lochmaben are also set for the new limit but a timeframe is yet to be given as neither falls within the top 10 largest towns in Dumfries and Galloway.

The council confirmed that Lockerbie is fourth on the list of town’s to get the speed limit – which will be in place for an initial 18-month trial, which will be made permanent if successful .

Lochmaben and Moffat will follow next year as the 14th and 11th largest town’s in the region respectively.

Lockerbie Community Council chairwoman Jan Andrews could not comment on the new speed limit as she had not been aware it was happening so soon. Ms Andrews vented frustration at poor communication from Dumfries and Galloway Council.

She said: “Where is the correspondence from the council? They are meant to be a close contact, there is a communications issue here.

“Dumfries and Galloway Council say that they work in close contact with the community council but it takes 20 days just to get a response from the enquiry service.”

A council spokesperson said: “At communities committee on December 7, 2021, a report was presented on ‘Dumfries and Galloway Council 20mph Speed Limit and Traffic Calming Policy’ (Item 23).

“This provides background on the scheme, it can be accessed via the Committees section of the council website.

“The committee agreed to 20mph limits for 24 more primary schools and the introduction of temporary 20mph speed limits in 17 of the region’s largest towns.

“The current programme is – Lockerbie (4th), programmed for the end of 2022. Lochmaben (14th) and Moffat (11th) – Both outside the top ten.

“The consultation and engagement activities associated with the 20mph speed limit schemes was significantly affected by the pre-election period and subsequent new member inductions.”

Responding to the news that the 20mph speed limit will be enforced in Moffat next year, the town’s community council chairman Leys Geddes said: “We have asked for a 20mph speed limit for some time, so we are supportive of it.

“The borders have introduced it already; we’ve also previously had a report detailing how dangerous Moffat High Street is.

“At 20mph you are dramatically less likely to get seriously injured.”

Lochmaben Community Council will also welcome the new limit.

Chairman Colin Davidson, said: “Our point of view is one of anything that helps to control traffic passing through the town has to be welcomed.

“Lochmaben has long suffered from traffic using the A709 and matters were made worse when the council identified the road as a Strategic Timber Route resulting in an increase in HGV traffic without any investment in the road.

“The introduction of a temporary 20 mph limit trial arrangement will provide an opportunity to assess the impact that excessive and speeding traffic has on Lochmaben.”

Meanwhile, Annan is set to get a 20mph speed limit this Autumn and the announcement resulted in a mixed reaction from residents with a petition even being created in protest.


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