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Make Moffat more people friendly

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By Amanda Kennedy
Make Moffat more people friendly

FEARS that Moffat town centre is becoming less people friendly are set to be discussed at a public meeting next month.

The event will be a chance to discuss access issues and is being organised by community councillor Bob Opray and a sub committee of locals.
Last year Moffat and District Community Council decided to engage more directly in identifying problems and finding solutions.
Community councillor David Major said: “Concerns about the state of our town centre have always been rife and attracted a lot of comments and requests for action from the community.
“From parking, lack of maintenance, road safety issues, difficulty for pedestrians crossing our streets to the lack of safe routes around town for people with wheelchairs and buggies, there is a growing concern that our town is becoming less usable, more dominated by vehicles and less friendly for people.”
The committee hope that hosting a meeting on the issue will help to identify the biggest access issues in the town centre and help to drive towards possible solutions.
David said: “There are no quick solutions or easy answers and it is likely that improvements will be gradual and step by step with a series of smaller projects over a longer timescale rather than one big project like piecing together a jigsaw.”
“By developing a clear understanding of the problems we will be able to get the best benefit out any project that might arise.”
The meeting will take place on July 8 at 2 pm at the town hall.


25th Feb

Bid for more free school meals

By Fiona Reid | DNG24

Burgh group meeting

Burgh group meeting

LOCHMABEN and District Community Council will hold their next meeting next week.