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Makeover plan for ‘eyesore’ school site

By Fiona Reid
Makeover plan for ‘eyesore’ school site

AN ‘EYESORE’ rubble strewn piece of land near one of Lockerbie’s main entrance routes will not be cleared — until a new buyer is found.

That was the declaration this week of Ivor Williamson, owner of the old Lockerbie Academy site, which has long been a cause of community concern.

Mr Williamson, owner of Rosefield Salvage, purchased and demolished the old school in 2011, but left piles of rubble behind.

And speaking yesterday, he confirmed that he has no intention of cleaning it up.

He said: “The site is for sale and I am still in negotiations.

“The rubble will stay as interested parties would use it.”

Mr Williamson explained that the rubble acts as a selling point for the land and that interested buyers would be able to recycle the materials.

To clear the rubble would both incur a cost for the company, potentially devalue the site’s worth and go against the firm’s recyling ethics.

Various councillors, community groups and even Lockerbie Academy, who overlook the site, have attempted to start campaigns to get it cleared – but all have been unsuccessful.

But a new idea was mooted at last week’s community council – to ‘paint the town beautiful’ and transform the shabby entrances.

Makeovers are being proposed at the the train station as well the Glasgow Road entrance, which features the rundown old school.

Community councillors are desperate to improve the look of the two entrances before the summer season kicks off.

And it was suggested that the ‘eyesore’ ex Academy land be blocked off and murals painted around the site.

Chairwoman Jan Andrews said: “How do we expect people to come and spend money if the town looks so uninviting?

“We need to make Lockerbie more welcoming and a good place to start would be cleaning up the entrance points.”

Responding to the mural suggestions, Mr Williamson said he was willing to speak with the community council and hear their ideas, but stated that the group had not written to him before with any suggestions.

Annan and Eskdale, News

07th Mar

Neil nets music quiz hat-trick

By Fiona Reid | DNG24