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Man banned from bus travel

By Newsdesk
Dumfries and West
Man banned from bus travel

A MAN accused of indecently assaulting a 16-year-old girl on a bus has been banned from travelling on buses until the outcome of the case.

His appearance in court last Friday followed a police appeal for witnesses following an incident on the 501 Dumfries to Castle Douglas service between Dumfries and Beeswing.
Alan Halliday, 56, of Henderson Place, Beeswing, pleaded not guilty to taking hold of the girl’s hands on a bus last Sunday night and touching her groin area over her clothing.
He also denied that at the Whitesands in Dumfries and on a service bus directing sexual remarks at her and repeatedly asking her questions of a sexual nature.
Trial has been set for May and Sheriff George Jamieson banned him from using any public service vehicle in the meantime.

Dumfries and West, Front, News

28th Feb

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