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1945-style tea party for VE Day

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
1945-style tea party for VE Day

A VILLAGE kirk went back in time on Sunday to mark the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day.

Part of the large congregation at historic Ruthwell Parish Church, mid-way between Annan and Dumfries, got into the spirit of the occasion by wearing 1940s-style clothing.

After the service, led by the Rev. Gerald Moule supported by the Rev. Logan Kirk, a VE Day tea party,  similar to those across the UK in 1945, was held in the near-by Session House.

And among the special guests were a number of over-70s from the area who shared their memories of the day it was announced World War Two hostilities in Europe — but not the Far East — had ended.

Rev Moule told DnG24: “It was pleasing to see the large congregation for the service.

“Everyone who helped organise and baked for the tea party deserves credit. We thought it was right to mark such an important anniversary in our nation’s history.”

PICTURED, left to right, are: Edna Windle (elder), Susan Broatch (session clerk) and Dorothy Findlay (elder).

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