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Merrick Mavericks’ name new team captains

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Merrick Mavericks’ name new team captains

THE senior Merrick Mavericks duo of Nathan Cismas and Keziah Cismas have been announced as the new team captains.

They take over from Rory McMiken and Leo Moore who are heading off to university this autumn.

Nathan and Keziah’s main roles will be to encourage younger members and help develop the club.

Furthermore, Nathan has passed the Scottish Swimming Teaching Qualification.

Commenting on their appointments, Mavericks chairperson Jemma McNeill said: “We’re delighted to see Keziah and Nathan step into the captains’ roles. They are both showing great dedication and improvements in the pool, inspiring the younger swimmers as role models of athletic endeavour as well as with their leadership.”

She expressed thanks to Rory and Leo for their efforts, saying: “During their time within the club, they have not only developed as swimmers but also as individuals, taking on more responsibilities and training as lifeguards and swimming teachers.

“They will be sorely missed by all in and out of the pool, but we hope they will continue with their own personal swimming and continue to inspire others.”

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