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Mixed feelings about about ‘village’ proposal

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By Fiona Reid
Mixed feelings about about ‘village’ proposal

ASSURANCES have been made to residents following a meeting about the proposed housing development on the Ladyfield site.

Last week’s meeting at Easterbrook Hall was the first in a series of public consultations to inform and gain feedback from the surrounding communities.

A document outlining the proposed development, which is described as a ‘21st century village’, states that the “development proposals will adopt a conservation-led approach so that a balance can be found between the conservation and preservation of character and detail and the need for facilitating modern living.”

However, some in the community are still unconvinced and have created a Facebook page with over 3000 likes and shares. Its members all agree that the site should be preserved and used for conservation of plant and animal life.


Writing after last Thursday’s meeting, one concerned citizen said: “I didn’t feel they (fears) were allayed yesterday at all. In fact, my concerns were only heightened by the comments made in such a way that they fantastically maximised the positives and minimised the negatives.

“The conservation question was certainly body swerved in my opinion, but it’s a major consideration surely, that they can’t just ride rough shod over it?”

Dumfries and Galloway Council published an appraisal on the Ladyfield site in 2020 which stated that its views and setting are as important as the listed buildings on site. The report also listed the main threats to the conservation area which include:

  • New developments sited alongside existing buildings
  • New developments between existing buildings
  • Larger development sites
  • Modern facilities to service new developments (e.g. roads, parking, etc)
  • Accumulation of outside furniture and attachments (e.g. signage, bus stops, street lighting, bins etc).
  • Declining condition of listed buildings
  • Inappropriate care and neglect of the historic landscape.

The next public meeting will take place on August 24 when the architect for the development, Collective Architecture, will present a final draft of the proposal and its initial plans for the development.


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