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Moffat park littering fury

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By Fiona Reid
Moffat park littering fury

RESIDENTS in Moffat are appalled at the amount of littering and vandalism taking place in Station Park despite CCTV being installed.

The park is popular with both locals and visitors to the town but large amount of rubbish keep appearing under trees and in seating areas.

Community members are so fed up with the mess that they have taken to social media to voice their frustrations, with one saying: “Never have previous generations caused this much, but this is time and again! The graffiti, it’s utterly disrespectful and it has been putting me off going there to walk the dog or to have some remembrance of my son that used to love going there.”

CCTV cameras were installed in the park in August in response to three serious incidents there earlier this year, but it doesn’t appear to be having the desired effect.

Moffat and District Community Council chairman Liam O’Neill said: “It’s disconcerting and disappointing that the CCTV hasn’t ended this sort of behaviour.

The park is there for the people’s use, especially young people but we need them to take more pride and care of spaces like the park. It will be a small group of people behaving this way but we will be looking at the situation more closely now.”

Front, Moffat, News

27th Feb

Lease row at PI takes a turn for the worst

By Fiona Reid | DNG24