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More historical records go online

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By Fiona Reid
More historical records go online

A NEW set of Scottish birth, marriage and death entries are now available to see online for the first time on the National Records of Scotland’s family history website ScotlandsPeople.

Scanned images added to the site recently include births from 1922, marriages recorded in 1947 and death entries from 1972. Until now, those records would have only been available to people visiting an NRS building, a family history centre or by ordering a copy by post.

NRS archivist Veronica Schreuder said: “The release of new records on ScotlandsPeople is always exciting for researchers and the birth, marriage and death records now added to the site will help many people find out more about their family history.

“Each year’s records contain a wealth of information for those just starting to map out their family tree and for those seeking to branch out their understanding, from the comfort of their own homes.”

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