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More info on dental data

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By Fiona Reid
More info on dental data

HEALTH officials have further explained dental data released last week showing long waiting times for tooth extractions in the region.

It came from an FOI request made by Scottish Labour and revealed an increase in patient waits.

However, a spokesman for NHS Dumfries and Galloway this week stressed the data referred exclusively to adult patients who are waiting for extractions in a dental theatre environment, adding: “They will have additional health needs or profound dental anxiety meaning they cannot get treatment in a routine dental setting.

“Very similarly, the data for children is for young children who are unable to accept treatment either at their own dentist or with sedation within special care clinics provided by the Public Dental Service.”

He acknowledged routine waits are lengthy but said: “There is an escalation pathway for patients experiencing repeated episodes of recurrent dental pain, swelling, etc which means that these patients will be prioritised and added to a dental theatre list sooner via Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary Patient Access.

“Theatre pathways have also been amended so that patients who are able to travel and fulfil criteria for treatment at Galloway Community Hospital in Stranraer are offered appointments in Stranraer where waiting times are slightly shorter.”


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