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MP has second thoughts

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MP has second thoughts

ONE of the region's MPs is having 'second thoughts' about how to vote on the Assisted Dying Bill.

RICHARD Arkless, the SNP’s Dumfries and Galloway Westminster member has been seeking the views of constituents before he attends the debate when the Bill comes before Parliament on September 11
The bill which will allow terminally ill people assistance to end their own life applies to only England and Wales but, depending on residency clauses, could mean that those living in Scotland could travel the short distance to England to die.
Mr Arkless said: “As this vote is a matter of conscience. The first step for me was to listen to as many of my constituents views as possible.
“I’ve talked with a wide range of people who take passionate views either for or against, it is a complex and emotive issue.
“My initial instinctive view was to vote against the Bill as to give the State the right to take a life is a step too far for me.
“After listening to the opinions of those facing a degenerative illness, I will certainly re-examine this view and probably only come to a final decision on the day after hearing the full debate in the Chamber.”
The MP warned, however, that the Private Members Bill being introduced by Rob Marris, has only a limited amount of time and could be ‘talked down’ by someone strongly opposed to Assisted Dying.
He added: “Listening to my constituents a views on Assisted Dying was a very moving experience and it really brought home to me this importance of this Bill to so many people.”


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By Staff Reporter | DNG24