Fractured speed bumps outside Moffat Academy were repaired recently, but not by Dumfries and Galloway Council.
Instead it was done by a local vigilante, whose identity they do not wish to reveal.
And their efforts have been praised by Moffat Community Council.
The committee’s David Booth said: “I understand from a very reliable source that a member of the community had taken it upon himself to try and repair some of the broken speed bumps outside the school, obviously fed up with the dangerous state of the bumps and had taken direct action, or is that community empowerment?”
The mystery resident paid a visit to the damaged sleeping police men on Selkirk Road in the early hours of Sunday morning, under the cover of darkness, armed with cold tar and a repairing mix, which they purchased themselves.
Slamming the state of the speed bumps, Mr Booth said: “They are in a terrible state and fail to meet the supposed purpose for a variety of reasons.
“I hope an act of community empowerment like that shames the council into removing the bumps and putting a traffic system more fit for purpose and which advertises the 20 mph limit in place.
“This is a major safety issue.”
A council spokesman said: “Members of the public should not undertake any works within public road boundaries without the permission of the local roads authority.
“The council has only recently been made aware of an issue with the ‘speed bumps’ in the vicinity of Moffat Academy.
“Roads service staff will inspect the area and, within budget constraints, any required works will be carried out on a priority basis.”