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National road show will stop in Lockerbie

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By Fiona Reid
National road show will stop in Lockerbie

AN editor and blogger will host a pro Scottish Independence event later this month in Lockerbie.

Callum Baird, editor of Scotland’s pro independence newspaper The National, will be in town on March 22 to share his views on Scotland’s future.

Aided by members of Yes Annandale, the editor will take centre stage at Lockerbie Town Hall as part of his national roadshow.

He said: “I was very conscious that we rarely left our office in Glasgow and as we are called the National that needed to change. “The roadshow is a chance to connect with our audience and meet Scotland’s community activists at the heart of communities, town halls.”

Discussing why Lockerbie was picked as a location, he added: “The Yes Annandale group got in touch with me direct and asked for us to come and I was more than happy to add Lockerbie to our programme.”

He will be joined by the creator of the pro independence ‘Wee Ginger Dug’ blog, Paul Kavanagh.

Discussing his blog he said: “I am not a member of the SNP or any other political party, and am not associated with any official campaigns or organisations. The contents of my blog are my opinions and mine alone.Ispeak for no one but myself.”

Meanwhile, Tory MSP Oliver Mundell this week confirmed he has no plans to host an anti independence event at Lockerbie Town Hall.

He said: “It strikes me this tour is less to do with independence and is more about boosting its poor circulation in this part of Scotland.

“My experience is that more people are interested in what the Annandale Herald has to say than the tabloids.

“It won’t surprise anyone that I have other diary commitments that evening.”


06th Mar

Support on offer for households in debt

By Fiona Reid | DNG24