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Neighbours angry at housing decision

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Annan and Eskdale
Neighbours angry at housing decision

A GROUP of angry Annan residents are planning to appeal a council planning decision.

Elected members this week gave retrospective planning permission for 22 homes at Windermere Park in Annan.

Despite hearing several detailed objections from neighbours, they supported the application from Anderson Homes, only adding an extra condition about fencing costs.

However, the objectors say they are unhappy with the council decision.

Jack Hunter is one of them and he told the Annandale Observer: “It is concerning that Dumfries and Galloway Council have decided to approve the application without appropriate consideration given to objections raised, particularly in terms of window to window distances being less than the minimum 18m stated in their own adopted legislation.

“Neither was any consideration given to the two story ‘monster house’ that had been built instead of a small three bedroom bungalow on the Craignair Park side and the planning officer appeared to mislead the committee into believing that the house type substitutions were all bungalows for bungalows.

“We will now proceed with an appeal on the basis that process was not properly followed by the council planning department in terms of notification of amended plans not sent out to neighbouring properties in April and May, as well as awaiting the outcome of a complaint previously made to the ombudsman.”

In a statement read to the committee on Wednesday, fellow representer Tom Breen said: “We are left with the feeling that Anderson Construction have been given carte blanche to change plans on a whim.”


28th Feb

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By Staff Reporter | DNG24