Recent Baha’i gathering in Israel
For on Friday November 13 the world’s first fully scientifically based calendar, the Baha’i Calendar, will go live.
Scottish Bahá’i spokesman James Gillies said: “All modern calendars, including the one we generally use, are religious in nature and, oddly, based on the movements of the moon, heavily tweaked to make them fit a 365 day solar year.
“Our modern Gregorian calendar, named after Pope Gregory XIII who imposed it in 1582 jumped forward 11 days from the one it replaced.
“The change is expected to go smoothly. The new Bahá’i Calendar requires no adjustment and is rooted in wholly scientific principles. It is based on the way the world actually works in keeping with universal laws of physics.”
This weekend millions of Baha’is around the world will join to celebrate the launch and the birthdays of the Twin Founders of their Faith, the Bab and Bahá’u’lláh.