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New mural is magic

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
New mural is magic

A COLOURFUL countryside mural has brightened up the grounds of the Dryfemount Care Home in Lockerbie.

Residents requested something to cheer up a blank wall opposite their popular garden dome space.

So staff members Kirsty Turner and Claire Webster contacted teenagers Angelika Klicka and Georgia Hutchinson, who painted the sheep on the Annandale Herald building in the town centre.

The girls visited Dryfemount to hear what the residents wanted and then brought back sketches of their ideas.

Praising them, Kirsty said: “The girls both came voluntarily and started on the wall. Angelika especially worked tirelessly day in day out so the wall could be finished before going off to university.

“The end result speaks for itself and is just superb. Residents, management and staff are delighted with it. Myself and Claire were both quite emotional and felt very proud of all the hard work, talent, time and effort that had been put into it these past few weeks.

“One resident said it was a masterpiece, another compared it to a Banksy, another said it was just wonderful and a delight to look at.

“Families also came along to view it and loved it also. It certainly makes you smile when you see it.”

She added: “Dryfemount would like to say a very big thank you to Angelika and Georgia for all their generous hard work.”


16th Mar

Unusual items wash up in beach clean

By Fiona Reid | DNG24