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Old Cresswell called into use

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By Fiona Reid
Old Cresswell called into use

AN INCREASE in the number of people requiring urgent treatment for Covid-19 has prompted an implementation of contingency arrangements at hospitals in Dumfries.

Additional ward space has opened today at the Mountainhall Treatment Centre, based in the old maternity wards of the former hospital on Bankend Road.

It is purely for non-covid patients and will accommodate ten people.

NHS Dumfries and Galloway Chief Operating Officer Julie White said: “The unprecedented number of local cases in recent weeks driven by the new Covid-19 variant has resulted in a record number of hospital admissions due to the coronavirus – and this has continued to grow.

“In order to ensure that we are able to continue to provide urgent care to those most in need and to ensure that we have the resources where we need them, we have now enacted some of our contingency planning.

“This will help ease some of the pressure within the system, particularly at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary where treatment is being provided to those most unwell with the effects of covid.”

She stressed it will help retain capacity in the health system and reminded people the part they have to play, adding: “Covid, especially the new variant, is highly transmissible, but its spread of infection relies on the opportunities resulting from people’s interaction.

“If we keep our distance, we restrict that opportunity.”


Dumfries and West, Front

12th Mar

Popular cosmic garden shut for year

By Fiona Reid | DNG24

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Heston scores new training gear thanks to star striker

HESTON Rover Girls team has scored vital new equipment for its youth players after being nominated for a prize giveaway by Rangers striker Kirsty Howat.