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Panel to decide new doctors for Lockerbie

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Panel to decide new doctors for Lockerbie

A MEETING will take place next week to consider the awarding of an NHS contract to deliver GP services in Lockerbie and district.

But the town will be going it alone after no providers expressed a formal interest in also running the Moffat surgery when the Alba Medical Group depart in May.

Explaining what happens next, the region’s deputy medical director Dr Grecy Bell said: “We now progress to assemble a scoring panel next week focused on the Lockerbie contract, with the hope of securing a provider who is well-placed to meet the needs of the local community.”

Members of community councils in areas served by the Lockerbie contract are being invited to attend the meeting in Dumfries next Tuesday.

As part of efforts to maximise community engagement in the procurement process, they will be able to hear the same information which will be provided to the scoring panel, and to help inform the approaches of their two representatives on the panel who will then go on to fulfil their roles within the formal scoring process.

The other members of the scoring panel are the head of primary care services, the deputy medical director, a representative of finance, and a non-executive member of the Dumfries and Galloway NHS Board.

Details on the outcome of the process will be shared publicly as soon as the process permits.

Voucher scheme feedback noted

Voucher scheme feedback noted

QUESTIONS about how Lochmaben’s voucher scheme has been recorded have been asked.