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Park works on track but vandalism concerns

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By Euan Maxwell
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Park works on track but vandalism concerns

WORKS on McJerrow and King Edward Park are due to start shortly after Lockerbie Gala season.

That’s the positive news coming from Dumfries and Galloway Council leader Gail MacGregor regarding the project.

But concerns have been raised whether more CCTV will be needed once the new equipment is put in.

This is due to a spate of vandalisms at McJerrow Park recently. Equipment had to be removed due to a vandal carving it which potentially could have harmed a child. Others include chocolate being thrown on slides and offensive graffiti being sprayed on equipment.

Cllr MacGregor said: “It’s disappointing to see some of the equipment vandalised.

“There’s damage to the point of one piece of equipment having to be removed for safety reasons.

“The likelihood is that the vandalism was carried out by a teenager who was carrying a blade of some nature.

“The affected equipment has been fixed and is back in the park.”

“When the works have been completed in the park, it will raise the question whether more CCTV should be in place.

“We need to have an oversight and work with the police. The plan is to put in CCTV at certain parts of the park but we might need to review that wider.”

Community councillor Simon Poole has suggested the police attend Lockerbie Academy to warn the youths about vandalising equipment.


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