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Pet shop’s lost visitor

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By Abbey Morton
Pet shop's lost visitor

A LOST pet knew just where to go to help find her way home.

The Scottish SPCA is seeking the owner of a zebra finch which flew into a
pet shop in Dumfries.
Scotland’s animal welfare charity was called to rescue the stray bird on
Wednesday afternoon after it was found in Pets at Home.
The female zebra finch is now in the care of the Scottish SPCA.
Inspector Janet Proudlock said: “The zebra finch has an identity ring on
her leg and we know she was born in 2013.
“Anyone coming forward should be able to tell us her ring number as this
will help ensure we have the right owner.
“She was looking a bit sorry for herself yesterday but is now much
chirpier after some food and water.
“If no one comes forward for this lovely wee bird we’ll find her a
suitable new home.”
Anyone who recognises the zebra finch is being asked to contact the
Scottish SPCA on 03000 999 999.

Dumfries and West, Front

06th Mar

Youth Beatz dates revealed

By Abbey Morton | DNG24