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Planners respect appeal decision

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Planners respect appeal decision

PLANNING officials at the council have reacted to an appeal decision by the Scottish Government.

Calum Kennedy, of North Cowshaw Farm in Shieldhill, took his case to ministers after council planners refused permission for a new house on his agricultural land.

He argued that a new property was essential for housing an agricultural worker and running the business properly, and it was accompanied by a supporting statement from vets.

In the majority of appeal cases, the Scottish Government back the original local authority decision, however on January 12 2023, the Reporter overturned the council decision and granted planning permission for the site.

The decision was discussed at the council’s planning committee last week.

Council leader Stephen Thompson said: “Historically, in the recent past, there’s generally been quite a high correlation between officers’ recommendations and those which don’t succeed at appeal.

“I was wondering, in terms of professional pride, how much of an impact does this have on the team? Because this must be one of very few where this is the outcome.”

David Suttie, the council’s planning and building standards manager, responded: “I know the case officer disagreed quite strongly with the reporter’s findings, but some you win, some you lose.”


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