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Planners unhappy with village application

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Annan and Eskdale
Planners unhappy with village application

A PROPOSAL for a new residential and industrial development in Kirkpatrick Fleming has raised eyebrows at Dumfries and Galloway Council.

The bid is for 14 industrial units, eight houses and two blocks of flats for social housing.

The site in question is agricultural land to the rear of Victoria Terrace and Cove Road.

It will go before councillors next week for their consideration. However, planners are recommending it is refused.

They say the applicant, Mr C Carruthers, has not provided information to demonstrate the need for such units at the location, or shown that any other sites have been considered and why this one is preferable.

Case officer Rachel Lightfoot also believe the site “relates poorly to the overall form of the village” and notes it is not within a settlement boundary.

Meanwhile, there have been a raft of objections from villagers. They are concerned that the development would have a negative impact due to increased traffic, particularly HGVs.

Other fears focus on capacity in the school for any more children that may live in the new homes, issues with cars reversing onto the U197a and creating traffic problems; removal of hedgerows and the effect on local nature and wildlife; the impact on pedestrians who use the Cove Road; and they also believe there is no demonstrated need for such a level of development to be in the village.

In a report for councillors, Ms Lightfoot added: “It is concluded that in regard to principle, both the housing and industrial elements of the proposal are unacceptable in principle having failed to demonstrate a need for this proposed development in relation to either housing or industrial use and its poor relationship to the form and character of the village.

“The application proposes industrial uses on the site. As the application is in principle only, these uses are not defined within the application. There are no supporting documents in relation to potential impacts such as noise on the proposed or existing dwellings. The location of Class 5 general industrial uses adjacent to dwellings would give rise to a material degree of land use conflict.”

She will advise elected members to determine it “based on the information which has been submitted”, including council policies.


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