Euan’s Playspace in Portpatrick is dedicated to little Euan Harbottle, who died after suffering a reaction to the chicken pox virus.
His mum, dad and a group of local volunteers decided to raise money to revamp the local playground, so that people across the community have a place to enjoy and remember him.
And they received a £25,000 Community Award from OneFamily.
Euan’s mum, Sian Roberts, said: “Although Euan’s life was short, it was one that was always filled with fun and laughter, so we wanted to create a special place that his siblings and friends from nursery can enjoy.
“The new playground looks brilliant, and as well as new play equipment there are places where people who knew Euan can reflect and remember what a special person he was.”
The new look play area features a wooden train, toy boat and climbing frames.
Sian added: “So many people across the local community have supported the project and we’re unbelievably thankful to everyone that voted for us to win the award. The £25,000 means that we’ve been able to create a legacy for our son, and build a space that people can enjoy for years to come.
“The £25,000 also helped us to raise a further £50,000 to pay for a further phase of the playground.”
Karl Elliott, marketing director at OneFamily said: “Euan was a brilliant little boy that was taken from his family far too soon, and we’re so pleased to be able to provide the funding to help complete this special project in his memory.”
Community Awards give between £5000-£25,000 to projects nominated by OneFamily customers. The second round of awards are now open at