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Plug pulled on Lockerbie swimming pool plans?

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Plug pulled on Lockerbie swimming pool plans?

DREAMS of a swimming pool for Lockerbie could be dead in the water from April 1.

A final call has been made for locals to get involved with the project or see it scrapped.

For the best part of three dec- ades, generations of trustees and committee members of the Lockerbie Swimming Pool Trust have fought and fund- raised to see the town get its own state-of-the-art leisure cen- tre and swimming pool.

But while the committee say that desire for a pool is as strong as ever locally, they say no one wants to actively help make the dream a reality and if no new members commit, then the project will no longer be pursued.

Trust chairman Robert McDonald this week said: “For many years we strove to achieve the long-held dream of a swimming pool for Upper and Mid Annandale.

“We asked for active assistance and support from the community to make it happen. We needed members of the com- munity to come forward with new creative ideas to secure nances. We invited repeatedly input about the best way to take the project forward.

“Despite a tireless commit- tee of trustees achieving a vast amount of progress over the years in planning, designing and in securing promises of funding, the hard truth is that both the full funding required and support from the community to achieve this project has fallen a long way short of what is required.”

He added: “The number of trustees is diminishing and the younger generation must take up the cause if they wish to do so.

The decision of the trustees of Lockerbie Swimming Pool Trust is that as from April 1 2018 Lockerbie Swimming Pool Trust will no longer actively pursue this project as a stand- ing committee.

“Input is invited from mem- bers of the public who may wish to take up the project and perhaps form a new committee.

“Should no interest be forth- coming the trust will move to wind up the trust in accordance with its deed of trust.”

Anyone interested in keeping the pool dream alive is asked to contact Lockerbie Town Hall Booking Of ce for details.


25th Feb

Call to ‘Make It FAIr’

By Fiona Reid | DNG24