Dear Santa
Dear Santa . . . I don’t know what to wish for this year?
Maybe because my mind is full of doubt and fear!
I really don’t need any gifts of the material kind,
I could just do with you giving me some peace of mind!
Dear Santa . . . if you could fix things then I know you would,
I believe in you – like all good people should!
Coronavirus is not really kind – no matter the season,
Should we have a Xmas party? – might give it a reason?
Dear Santa . . . Christmas is the time to spread good cheer,
But I think we should be careful – let me make that clear!
It would be nice to have a gathering and be merry,
Indulge in some mince pies and a wee drop of sherry!
Dear Santa . . . we can enjoy Christmas regardless – I say,
Save all the parties and shenanigans for a safer day!
Our family is important, we need them to stay fit,
So staying apart might be best, even if it hurts a bit!
Dear Santa . . . this is my final wish to you for now,
Please keep all my family and friends safe, somehow!
When this virus has been run out of town . . .
We will have a hell of a party and let our hair down!