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Police: It’s ok to park in EV space

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By Fiona Reid
Police: It’s ok to park in EV space

ASSURANCES have been given to Lockerbie residents about parking in spaces designated as electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints.

A police officer has confirmed to Lockerbie and District Community Council (LDCC) that there is currently no law against parking disel or petrol powered vehicles at EV charging points.

This information comes as four new EV spaces have been installed at McJerrow Car Park despite continued opposition from the community council.

Discussing the matter at the group’s meeting on Tuesday night, chairwoman J’an Andrews said her official complaint about the new spaces had been ignored by the local authority so far.

She said: “I’m raging: negotiations and a stage two complaint are still ongoing yet they’ve installed them.

“They started putting fencing up last Friday while the investigation was still ongoing and starting cutting the road for the spaces on Monday.

“So, what happens now because the council themselves haven’t even followed their own procedures.”

Annandale North Councillor, Carolyne Wilson is baffled as to why council procedure was not followed and she said: “They were supposed to bring a report back to the Common Good committee and that would’ve been the next meeting but they’ve not done it.

“If this was a member of public or a community group that wanted to do something on the common good land they would’ve had to go through the whole process and it should be the same for the council.”


11th Mar

Frailty unit making progress

By Kaitlin Campbell | DNG24