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Politician sees climate research in action

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By Fiona Reid
Politician sees climate research in action

SCOTLAND’S Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero has been learning about some of the cutting-edge climate change research being carried out at at the Barony campus.

Mairi McAllan visited the Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) site to find out more about the Digital Dairy Chain, as well as the organisation’s work with NatureScot to deliver a unique peatland restoration course.

Meeting with senior staff, including principal Professor Wayne Powell; provost Jamie Newbold and vice principal Mary Thomson, the MSP saw first-hand SRUC’s investment in disruptive technology, including its N2 Unit.

Purchased with support from South of Scotland Enterprise (SoSE), the N2 Unit uses revolutionary technology to practically eliminate methane and ammonia emissions from slurry production. Infrastructure is now in place, with the unit expected to be fitted later this year.

On a tour of the campus, Ms McAllan was shown how SRUC is blending its forestry, woodland and environmental expertise to optimise land management practices, while also undertaking proof of principle research into on-farm hydrogen generation utilising renewable sources of energy and waste water.

Ms McAllan said: “Tackling the twin crises of climate change and nature loss is the collective fight of our lifetime, and the lifetime of generations to come.

“It is crucial that we continue to develop new skills and find innovate solutions to help drive down carbon emissions and improve our resilience in the face of the global warming that we are already experiencing.

“The research and development being undertaken by staff and students at Scotland’s Rural College will be vital in helping our agriculture sector develop sustainable and nature positive farming practices. I look forward to seeing the impact that this important work will have as our farming sector helps lead us to a net zero future.”